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Periodontal Disease

Stop periodontal disease now! We don’t mean to scare you, but periodontal disease (gum disease) can be very dangerous, lead to the loss of teeth and problems outside the mouth. Bacteria can enter your blood stream through the thousands of arteries in your gums. Once the bacteria is in your bloodstream, it can cause problems throughout your body.

What’s worse is that gum disease is often painless. It is caused when the teeth are improperly cleaned and food particles are left to break down the gums in the form of plaque. If plaque builds up too much, your gums will become red and inflamed, an indication of gingivitis. Gingivitis is the early stage of gum disease and is completely reversible. 

During an annual checkup, we will perform a test on your gums to detect the level of gingivitis or periodontal disease around your gums.

If you haven’t had a check-up and exam in a while, save your teeth and call our office to schedule an appointment.